Exxon Valdez

Background and Historical Information

Information from Riki Ott, PhD

Sound Truth & Corporate Myths -Riki’s book in its entirety, as a 4 meg pdf.

June 11, 2010 Letter to Department of Labor

Communication to John Dingell requesting an oversight hearing (pdf document) (July, 2007) includes information on the long-term health effects suffered by cleanup workers

Information requested by Senator Hillary Clinton (pdf document) (November, 2001): includes info on worker safety, monitoring and clinical data, OSHA & government oversight, and proposed immediate action.

The effects of the Exxon Valdez oil spill (EVOS) on workers and wildlife (pdf document) in response to Sen. Waxman’s committee hearings on U.S. energy industries

Unfinished Business: The Exxon Valdez Oil Spill Legacy Congressional Briefing by Riki Ott, PhD

Exxon Valdez “Artifacts”

Partial Waiver from Exxon for health claims

Exxon Clinical Data of respiratory illness during cleanup activities

Long-term Ecosystem Response to the Exxon Valdez oil spill (pdf document)

Self-Reported Exposures and Health Status Among Workers from the Exxon Valdez Oil Spill Cleanup Report by Annie O’Neill (16 meg pdf document)

Information from Gulf Area Residents and Organizations:

“Hell has come to Louisiana” – Testimony from Louisiana Shrimpers Association Board member Clint Guidry.

Louisiana Shrimpers Association Request for Investigation of Health and Safety Issues for Cleanup Workers

Problems with BP Claims

Letter from Council Woman Kindra Arnesen to BP Officials

ESIS handles claims processing for BP. They present as a group “here to help,” but if you read their documentation, their true goal is “reducing our clients’ loss dollar pay-outs,” as stated in their Recovery Services Fact Sheet.

Statement and Demands from unified fishermen.

Click here for BP Vice President Darryl Willis‘s testimony before Congress on the claims process.

Letter from Advocates for Environmental Human Rights challenging BP’s misleading statements regarding the claims process.

BP related documents

BP Training document

BP Charter Boat Contract

Letter from Kathleen Sebelius stating BP must take responsibility for the health consequences of this disaster.

The following documents were released by the House Energy & Commerce Committee (These documents are also available on the House Energy and Commerce web site):

Memo to Members of the Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations

Confidential: Evaluation of Casing Design

Application for Revised New Well

Confidential: Emails between MMS and BP March 12, 2010

Confidential: Emails between MMS and BP March 10, 2010

Confidential: Emails between MMS and BP February 8, 2010

Confidential: Emails between MMS and BP November 17, 2009

Additional BP Documents:

BP Guidlines for visual estimation of oil spills

Estimation of oil released (April 26, 2010)

Information from other oil spills

Prolonged respiratory symptoms in cleanup workers on the Prestige oil spill

Why is Corexit banned in Britain?

Letter from Congressman Ed Markey asking what evaluations were used before allowing BP to utilize chemicals banned in UK, and requests for other information related to Corexit


Oil spill treatment products approved for use in the United Kingdom

Procedures for the approval of oil spill treatment products in the UK

Toxicity test analyses for Kuwait Crude oil and Corexit

Material Safety Data Sheets

MSDS for Corexit 9500A

MSDS for Corexit 9527A

Product Bulletin for Corexit 9580A

MSDS for SeaBrat

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